On November 9, three CareLink program participants received certificates of completion from DCODE (Delaware County Open Door to Education), a program designed to provide individuals with mental illness with the opportunity to explore educational, employment, and life goals.
Two of the DCODE graduates, Kris Schwartz and Xavier Brisbon, are residents of the agency's Transition Age program in Clifton Heights, PA. The third graduate, William Gray, resides at CareLink's Providence Road program. DCODE is a partnership between the Delaware County Office of Behavioral Health and Delaware County Community College. The nine-week program, taught in the academic environment of the college's campus, explores career assessment issues, including resumes and cover letters, workplace culture and job search, and individual tools, such as creating measurable objectives, personal responsibility, effective communication and conflict resolution. Students also visit the college career and counseling center to gain information about admissions, financial aid, and Pennsylvania CareerLink, which works to connect job seekers with potential employers.