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Kate Rosin and CareLink member outdoors

Care Management

CareLink provides an array of services—assessment, residential, supported living, education and employment support, and more—that are designed to increase the independence, self-sufficiency, and quality of life of adults with serious mental health challenges.

Our services are tailored to fit the needs and goals of the individual client. The agency offers specialized services for adults ages 18 and up, including Transition Age programs for young adults ages 18-25, and Senior Supported Living for older adults.

Maximizing Independent Living

CareLink’s programs are driven by the unique needs, interests, and goals of each person served. Our programs provide support and life skills instruction to help people live as independently as possible in the community.

Services include:

  • Individualized care management

  • Life skills instruction

  • Advocacy

  • Assistance with financial benefits

  • Coordination of health care services

  • Connection to community resources

  • Money management guidance

  • Education and employment support

  • Encouraging constructive leisure and recreational activities

  • Crisis intervention


CareLink conducts regular surveys that are designed to help gauge program participants’ satisfaction with staff professionalism and responsiveness, involvement in service planning, and overall quality of service. According to survey results and current data:

  • 95% of family members feel that CareLink staff are competent and professional

  • 89% of individuals feel CareLink services have allowed them to be more satisfied and successful in life

  • 47% of individuals received services from CareLink while residing in their own home

  • More than 50% of CareLink’s residential services are provided in apartment-based programs

Maximizing Independent Living

CareLink’s programs are driven by the unique needs, interests, and goals of each person served. Our programs provide support and life skills instruction to help people live as independently as possible in the community.

Services include:

  • Individualized care management

  • Life skills instruction

  • Advocacy

  • Assistance with financial benefits

  • Coordination of health care services

  • Connection to community resources

  • Money management guidance

  • Education and employment support

  • Encouraging constructive leisure and recreational activities

  • Crisis intervention


CareLink conducts regular surveys that are designed to help gauge program participants’ satisfaction with staff professionalism and responsiveness, involvement in service planning, and overall quality of service. According to survey results and current data:

  • 95% of family members feel that CareLink staff are competent and professional

  • 89% of individuals feel CareLink services have allowed them to be more satisfied and successful in life

  • 47% of individuals received services from CareLink while residing in their own home

  • More than 50% of CareLink’s residential services are provided in apartment-based programs

CareLink members at field day event

Obtain Services

We provide a variety of services for adults with severe, chronic mental illness and developmental disabilities, including residential treatment, supported housing, and supported employment and education.

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